Monday Momentum 6.19.23


Wake up and go outside immediately for a 10 minute walk. Then, try out this 3-part workout. It can be completed in 30-40 minutes total and DOES NOT necessarily have to be completed in one block. You could spread the 3 sessions over the course of a day which it what I often do.

Don't have time? Make time.

Enjoy and Be Wild

-Wildman Dan


Mobility Flow

This weeks Mobility Flow consists of 2 rounds of each exercise for 1-minute each

1. Kick Throughs

2. Sumo Squat + Rocker L/R

3. Jefferson Curls

4. Warrior Dogs (Alt Down dog + Warrior 1’s)

5. Pushup Lower + Can Opener Alternating 


Wildness of the Day

The Wildness of the Day involves 3 couplets where you perform 2-rounds of each couplet with 2-minutes of rest in between.

 Short on time?
👉 Reduce the number of reps accordingly and/or just to one round instead of two. Something is better than nothing.

2 Rounds:

50 Squats

25 Push-Ups

Rest 2 minutes.

2 Rounds:

50 Bent-Arm Jump Twists

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Rest 2 minutes.

2 Rounds:

50 Lunges (can be aided with pocket monkii, or challenged with weight)

25 Tucks


Flexibility Sesh

Each stretch should be performed for at least 1-minute each

1. Standing Shoulder Extension (use band)

2. Cobra

3. Runner’s Lunge R/L

4. Straddle

5. Hang

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