
Travel Workout - Part 1

Travel Workout - Part 1
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide

The Specs: 
This video contains 6 days worth of monkii Dan's travel workouts. So check it out for ideas on building your own and get your attack plan in order! Pullups, dips, rows, Misogi challenges...oh my! 

In this video you get a glimpse of how you can use monkii bars to stay wild and fit while traveling. There are 5 complete, full-body workouts that you can do wherever your travels take you. Remember, a workout can be a part of the adventure, and, an adventure can be a workout. I loved exploring around our different locations to find the perfect monkii spot and I hope you get some ideas for what is possible. Myself and the other monkii Elders can't wait to see where you use your monkii bars next!

Reading next

Travel Workout - Part 2 - Complexes with a Partner

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