
Dose of Wildness: 4 Minute Wilderness Circuit

Dose of Wildness: 4 Minute Wilderness Circuit
"To be wild, you must train in the wild." monkii Dan

The Specs:
40 yards Rock Carry
7 Rock Throws
5 Overhead Squats
5 Handstand Pushups
5 Muscle Ups
Repeat 2-3x depending on your desired level of wildness.

Today's prescription takes us deep into the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains. This is a workout I did as the culmination of a week-long backpacking trip. I had a ton of fun exploring the area to find the perfect monkii spot while also gathering the other natural workout devices. This is by far my favorite way to train and honestly, it feels more like having fun than doing a workout. I recognize that this is a pretty advanced/wild group of exercises. However, we can use the template to create something more universal. I'd leave the Rock Carry as is, just choose a rock that is right for you. Same goes for the Rock Throws. Instead of Overhead Squats, you could hold a log or rock across the front of your shoulders and do Front Squats. Instead of Handstand Pushups, the classic Pushup would work perfectly. Lastly, Muscle Ups could be substituted with Rows or Pullups. You could bump the reps up to 8-12 if necessary. Sounds like a badass workout!

When I'm out in the wild (or outside in general) I constantly scan the environment around me for monkii setup locations as well as natural features and/or objects that could be used to train. If you can start to think like this, the world will truly become your gym. Summer is in full-force out here in Colorado. I hope the warmth and sun has arrived in your neck of the woods. I encourage and challenge all monkiis to get in at least one wild workout this summer. Lastly, please share your workouts! I love seeing what monkiis come up with and seeing you guys go out and be wild is a huge motivator for me.

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